Effectiveness of Postural Control Orthoses (Back Belts with Straps) on activity in patients with Osteoporosis.

Effectiveness of Postural Control Orthoses (Back Belts with Straps) on activity in patients with Osteoporosis.

Biomechanical research published in the Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery Journal (Veiskarami et al. 2022) considered the effectiveness of using a specially adapted back belt (orthose) on patients with Osteoporosis. The study looked at changes in the activity of specific back muscles (Erector spinae) and the patients risk of falling, their balance confidence and walking speed.

Osteoporosis is a silent disease which leads to the interference of normal muscular function and balance control. In this study 22 elderly patients with osteoporosis enrolled and had their erector spinae muscle activity monitored using skin sensors, along with a clinical balance assessment, before the use of the orthose and then after 4 weeks of using the orthose.

Results showed lumbar erector spinae activity reduced significantly and a significant improvement was observed in the balance control test.

The study concluded that this specific back support belt decreased the activity of Erector Spinae muscles during static standing and improved balance in patients with Osteoporosis.

VertiBaX Back Care Education, Summary Article 2024

Disclaimer: Please note that all spinal disorders are different. If you have any concerns about using any of the products discussed, a medical practitioner who knows your specific condition should be consulted.

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